Cardiovascular Diseases

Keep your heart in motion

image of a human heart

Maladie Cardiovasculaire Athéroscléreuse (ASCVD)

Accumulation de plaque dans les parois artérielles


Hypertension artérielle

Insuffisance Cardiaque


Maladie cérébrovasculaire (AVC)

Obstructions des vaisseaux sanguins cérébraux


Heartbeats That Last

Advances in cardiovascular care and prevention have saved millions of lives, cutting mortality rates significantly. By prioritizing heart health you protect against disease and unlock the potential for a longer, healthier future. It’s more than living longer; it’s living stronger.

Responsible of

18 million

annual death, worldwide.

Global cause


of mortality.

In the US a person dies every

36 seconds

of cardiac disease.